Thursday, September 30, 2010

Perfect protest

Brene Brown's blog this week is about protesting perfectionism. I'm posting a photo of myself, something which I hate to do. The photo is of me at 7:47 this morning with a hastily made poster written in crayon-pastels. The image is reversed because I took it with photo booth and I'm too much of an imperfectionist to reverse the image.

Long live imperfectionism. (And if you can't read my poster, it says "Perfect is the enemy of good.")

Friday, September 24, 2010

The sound of silence

This is a quick post because I realized I haven't posted anything in over a month. My life and problems are both tiny and immense. I wish both to splash them across the blogosphere and hide them simultaneously.

The husband quit his job (see profile about "karoshi") and now we are living on our savings. I am shockingly not panicking about this. We've been without his income since July and my income doesn't even come close to paying our monthly expenses. We will be completely broke on this side of the pond by December.

So, DH is off to the U.S. to line up job interviews and a job. Our lives are in limbo. We're talking to a real estate agent about selling our condo, at a big loss, oh well. I'm trying to figure out the timing on all of this. Which is laughable since everything hinges on my husband getting a job.

Shanti, shanti, shanti. Peace, peace, peace. (As my former yoga teacher used to say.)