Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Land Mine

I bought Tak a blue zipper vest at Sun Live (pronounced Sun Lee-bu). He looks like he's defusing land mines in it. Think Princess Di in Africa about a month before she met her maker, and that's the fashion statement my youngest is making.

The vest was my latest effort to combat the encroaching cold weather. After sweating through September and enjoying the nice weather of October, November has decided to turn cold. The in-laws broke out the kerosene heater and my mother-in-law tried to buy Tak a really ugly Winnie the Pooh vest to keep him warm. I ix-nayed that purchase and as a compromise, bought his flak vest.

I'm trying to convince the laws that they need to get rid of the kerosene stove that they use to heat their duplex. It smells, it's dangerous, and it's not that much cheaper than electricity. Problem is, they like to boil water in a kettle on top. Hmmm, nothing says "safety" than a steaming kettle of boiling water on top of a glowing red heater within arm's reach of your toddler. They've humored my overdeveloped sense of safety by turning it off and moving it out of reach when Tak is around, but that won't work in the depths of winter. I miss central heating.

At least the colder weather is slowing down the mosquitoes. I only killed four of them this morning. Three more weeks until we move from the hellhole...

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