Monday, September 19, 2011

A Dearth of Words

It is truly pathetic, that I, who wanted to be a writer has not even managed to blog in 3 months. So here's the bullet list:
  • I survived the constant bickering, fighting, visiting playgrounds, taking swim lessons, and avoiding drug dealers and panhandlers that were our summer.
  • My oldest started 2nd grade and is way ahead in math and way behind in English. The English language summer workbook I bought him was barely touched. The Japanese workbooks did get done, but under much duress.
  • My youngest started co-op preschool last week. The economy has meant that we are under-enrolled and are scrambling to find kids to keep the program viable. Did I mention I am the treasurer?
  • Still no house. We made an offer on an 83 year-old one and backed out when two separate professionals told us to "scrape it off the lot and build a new one." We opted to place an offer on a new house, not in our preferred location, but a nice neighborhood nonetheless. Our offer was lower than another person's and we did not get the house. We are still living in the rental condo. I am still trolling the MLS listings.
  • My husband spent most of the summer telecommuting from our condo since he hurt his back and couldn't sit or walk for six weeks. Nothing like having to keep your children out all day so Daddy can work lying down on our bed with his laptop propped up off the floor.
Still trying to find the joy in our lives. It is there. In small boy hugs and art projects. In ice cream cones and caprese salads. In skype and on the phone. It just seems like such a small percentage of the hours in a day.