Thursday, January 21, 2010

On writing and other random thoughts.

I'm still embracing my word of the year, white space. And with the exception of procrastinating on an editing/translation job, I'm doing a pretty good job.

I've created white space in my blog for 2 days now. I've created white space in my body by exercising every day and logging it. I've created white space around my desk by sorting papers and giving myself a stamp on the calendar every time I do it.

Spiritually, I feel a little white space opening up in my soul. I want to trash the guilt and the insecurities and just create for creation purposes. I want every day to be my January 1st.

I'm also embracing my fear of failure, or rather, my need for success. I'm not writing for the Oscar or the Pulitzer, I'm writing for the white space. And as long as I don't trick myself into thinking that this will magically make any of those things metamorphosize, then I'll be okay.

I have a gift. Wow, that sentence was really painful to write. I am creatively gifted. And even if my gift is only seen by one person, that is enough.

I am my own white space. I am my own blank canvas. I am nothing and everything at once. And if I sit still long enough, I will realize this.

So I will write haikus, and children's stories, and limericks and screenplays and novels and blog entries and I will honor my words by typing them up and putting them out there.

And maybe all this white space will lead to my dream job at Pixar, working with the folks who put story into words and pictures. Who push the white space until there is something for everyone to see and relate to.


1 comment:

Betsy said...

Oooo. I really, really like this post. It resonates to my very core. I hope you are following through. And I love the concept of white space. I'm going to get off the computer now and cultivate some white space of my own, to counteract the white noise of my day.