Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am worthy now.

I follow the blog Ordinary Courage and this week Brene is blogging about worthiness.

She says, "Worthy NOW! Not when. Not if. We are worthy of love and belonging NOW. Right this minute. As is."

I am worthy, now. I do not need to wait until my house is clutter free. I do not need to wait until my screenplay gets bought.

And actually, I am worthy, now. I've come a long way in accepting myself in the last two years. I am becoming an anti-perfectionist. I've accepted that I can do things imperfectly, incompletely, and insanely and that's okay.

Would I like to write more often? Yes, but I accept that I am writing the amount that I want to write at this point in my life.

Would I like to have a picked up house and no Legos underneath my feet? Yes, but I accept that I'm working on it and I am making progress. I am no less worthy because there is a cabbage rotting in my vegetable drawer. (Though it might be a good idea to dispose of that before it liquefies.)

I will end this imperfect blog here and go to bed, since tomorrow is field trip day and that means bentos made at the crack of dawn.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Thanks for reminding me about this blog. I found it once, then forgot about it. Small town Japan, small town France....
we have something in common. At least I'm operating with the same alphabet. Yikes.