Sunday, April 26, 2009

The remote remote

We have an absurd quantity of remotes that litter our family room. There is the DVD player remote, the home theater remote, the Wii-mote, two remotes for the DVR, the HikariTV remote, and finally, the actual TV remote. Invariably, one will go MIA under the cushions and toys, but it usually shows up before Ampanman. Not so, this week.

The actual TV remote (from hereafter referred to as ATVR) has been missing since maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. We're not sure because the other remotes can turn the tv on, so if we aren't watching regular tv, there is no need for the ATVR. I have turned the house upside down looking for it. It is in none of the usual hiding places; between the stacks of teaching material on my desk, wedged between toys placed on the counter, in a basket on my fridge because the boys have lost tv privileges.

I have to believe that it went out in the raw garbage on Friday. DS1 was threatening to throw it away when I refused to let him watch tv at one point this past week. Usually, those threats are empty, but who knows? Of course, questioning a 5 year old is a lot like reading a Zen koan. It leaves you with more questions than answers.

The upside to all of this is that I've sorted and thrown away more stuff in the last 4 days than in the previous 3 months. It's amazing how many milk carton creations one small boy can bring home from hoikuen. And yet, none of them had a remote in them...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like it's time for one of those REALLY expensive Universal remotes that Logitech sells. We're just lucky that the 20 year old TV can be run by the digital converter remote...