Monday, May 31, 2010

Why I was a lousy stay-at-home-mom

Probably that's not the best title I could've used for this post, but I've been reflecting on my life here in Japan and that's what came out. I'm fortunate that preschool/daycare here in my part of Japan is so cheap. Coming from Seattle almost 3 years ago, I was nearly giddy that daycare, including lunch and snack, six days a week, was about $350 a month.

My dirty secret? I hated being a stay-at-home-mom. I felt devalued. I wanted a job and the praise that came from doing a good job. I wanted more than grubby hands and temper tantrums. I didn't want all of whom I was, to be sucked into the vortex that two small children create. I admire women who can take care of their kids and live a well-balanced life, but I just wasn't one of them.

And so, I work. I have three part-time jobs and I work about 15 hours a week. Elementary school and daycare take care of my boys when I work in the daytime. Grandma, and my husband when he's around, take over for the two evenings that I work. I love it.

I feel talented again. I feel appreciated again. And I still have time with my boys in the afternoon and on the weekends. I still do the laundry, grocery shopping, and most of the cooking and homework supervision. I'm the one who gets the boys up and out the door in the morning. I'm still sleep deprived on occasion, but all in all, I'm happier.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Once again I've stopped in to find you are speaking my language. I have/had many of the same feelings about being "just a mom."
I still haven't sorted them out yet, but my one paid blogging gig helps me at least pretend I'm "working." I do believe women are cut from all different kinds of cloth and it is up to us to figure out what we're best suited for. Sounds like you have worked that out.