Monday, March 24, 2008

The in-laws next door...

My in-laws moved into the condo next door to us this past weekend. Actually, they only moved their futons, the dialysis machine and a couple of pots and pans. The rest is waiting until 4/15 when Sakai movers (the ones with the panda logo, as opposed to the kangaroo, black cat, or pelican logo) will move them.

At 7:45 this morning, a cheery hello rang out in the hallway as MIL unlocked the door and carried a pot of coffee in. (Ah yes, she also brought a kettle and a drip filter to the new place.) This was not entirely unexpected. Fortunately, my in-laws and I have a close relationship, which is about to be even closer. It was lovely having a built-in babysitter as I drove the big one to preschool and left the little one with Grandma.

Time to wake up the little one from his really late nap and go pick up the big one from school. Unfortunately, neither grandparent is around at the moment or I would leave him sleeping.

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