Sunday, March 16, 2008


Today I decided to do the double whammy of Japanese and U.S. taxes. Actually, Japanese taxes are done by your employer, so all I had to do was file some forms for Kazuya so that we can get our mortgage interest deduction next year. All in all, it was fairly painless, but it did require a trip to the city hall for a family register and a trip to the tax office to hand off the paperwork.

I wish I could say that our U.S. taxes will be so easy. I installed TurboTax today and was shocked to find out that I can't e-file our taxes if our address is overseas. Bummer. I started reading the foreign earned income credit and my first response was, "What a colossal pain in the ass." But, at least, I don't have to file out the forms in Kanji...

I decided to close TurboTax and blog instead. After all, I get an automatic two-month extension for living overseas, so why should I rush? I think I'll go clean my kitchen and eat my sandwich instead. De-nial, it's not just a river in Africa.

1 comment:

Jack said...

Hi Alex, sounds like you are having fun. What are you going to do with your 1200$ tax rebate? Keep blogging. It's all good stuff for later.